M - TH: 9:00 - 6:00, F: 9:00 - 5:00, Saturdays: 9:00 - 3:00

Divinity Med Spa News

Botox, Juvederm, Kybella, injectables and treatment news - Divinity Med Spa is located in Spring Hill Florida.

We’re Having a COOLEvent

Tuesday, November 13th from 5-7pm

As the holidays rapidly approach, are you dreaming about that amazing outfit?  What’s stopping you?

A Muffin Top?  Love Handles?  Bra Fat?


We invite you to join us at our CoolEvent!

Learn about the world’s #1 non-invasive fat reducing treatment…

Watch a presentation by Amber, our CoolSculpting Rep.!

Have a personal assessment to see if you’re a candidate!

Visit our CoolSuite, see how we Dual-Sculpt!

Watch a LIVE Demonstration!

We’ll have lite bites, our cool blue cocktail, raffles & event pricing at this EVENING event created just to give you the body you want for Christmas 🙂

RSVP for this FREE Evening of Education to (352)606-2980!