The Story of Hazel Colon

Meet 15 month old Hazel Lynn Colon, the precious, youngest daughter of Jade & Josh, who on November 3rd was diagnosed with cancer in her right kidney. The very next day, a team of doctors at John Hopkins All Children’s Hospital performed a 6 hour surgery to remove her right kidney and put in a port for chemotherapy. Pathology from the surgery revealed little Hazel had Wilms Tumor, stage 4 and that the cancer had already spread to her other kidney, both her lungs, lymph nodes and abdomen. She was immediately started on chemo and radiation.
This news has brought the family to its knees. Jade, a local dental assistant, has had to stop working in order to spend her days by baby Hazel’s side, and Josh, who works for an area pest control company, is running back and forth to Tampa daily after work to spend time with his baby girl. They have 2 other young daughters, and the financial strain has been overwhelming. This is where we come in…
BEGINNING TODAY, DECEMBER 1st thru December 31st, bring in a $25 (or more) GIFT CARD for the Colon Family and Receive 5 FREE units of BOTOX (that’s a $55 value!)
These Gift Cards will help the family with things like gas & food, even Christmas gifts for their girls. Here is the list of Gift Cards that would be most appreciated:
Publix, Walmart, Winn Dixie, Target, Shell, Mobil, BP, Speedway, Wawa & of course Visa or MasterCard Gift Cards
Even if you don’t need Botox at this time, donate the Gift Card and we will Bank the 5 units for you. We know our patients have the kindest, most generous hearts & will come out in full force for beautiful baby Hazel & her family. At the end, DIVINITY WILL MATCH the total amount collected from all of you as an extra donation to the family!!!
Come on, Divinity Divas…Let’s Do This!

The full story direct from the Colon Family:
On July 8th 2020 Hazel Lynn Colon came into the world as a healthy, perfect baby girl. She was the perfect addition to the Colon family. Her family consisted of her mother and father Jade and Joshua and her two big sisters Abigail and Kassidy. Both Jade and Josh grew up in Hernando County. Jade worked as a dental assistant and Josh worked for a local pest control company. They lived a simple life, rent their home, and live paycheck to paycheck. When they were not working they all enjoyed spending time together as a family, going to the beach, taking trips to the zoo, or just playing at the park. A loving family living simple honest lives. Abigail and Kassidy were best friends from the beginning. They both attend school and were always excited about extra circular activities like gymnastics, cheerleading, and they loved to watch their dad Josh play in men’s league softball on week nights. Hazel spent her first year changing the hearts of our family she was smart, spicy, very independent, and the most loving of the girls. She met all her miles stones and seemed to be in perfect health. She stole the hearts of everyone she met. Hazel was refer to now as a covid baby much of her mother pregnancy and Hazels first year was spent in quarantine or social distancing.
In September 2021 Jade Hazel’s mother noticed a hard lump on the right side of her abdomen. When she pushed on the lump it didn’t seem to cause any pain but Jade did bring it to the attention of her pediatrician during her fifteen month checkup. On November 3, 2021 baby Hazel has an ultrasound completed to investigate the lump on her abdomen. The very same day life changed for the Colon family. Within an hour of the test baby Hazel’s doctor called Jade and told her that Hazel had several masses and one very large one was on her right kidney. She was instructed to take baby Hazel to All Children’s Hospital as soon as possible. Jade left work called Josh and they rushed to the emergency room in St. Petersburg Florida. That afternoon Hazel had to undergo additional blood tests, CT scan and another ultrasound they were admitted that night. Then the next morning November 4th a team of physicians sat down with Jade and Josh and told them the unimaginable. “Your baby has cancer.”
Baby Hazel was diagnosed with a Wilms tumor of the kidney – she needed surgery and in a matter of hours would have the surgery. The scans showed multiple tumors with the largest tumor being in her right kidney. The scans also showed that the tumors had spread to both of baby Hazels lungs. Then God guided the hands of a team of doctors and nurses baby Hazel underwent six hours of surgery to first place a port for the needed for chemotherapy and remove her right kidney. Josh and Jade waiting on eggshells to see their baby come back from surgery. When the nurses wheeled hazel back in to the room after surgery, that’s when reality set in. They were helpless to see their sweet baby with multiple drains, tubes, and wires with an incision that crossed her entire abdomen. Hazel also had to be on morphine and an epidural for the pain for the next 3 days. But the team successfully removed baby Hazels’ right kidney.
Pathology results revealed that Hazel’s cancer was stage 3 and stage 4. Not only did the cancer spread to both of her lungs the cancer was also in her lymph nodes. Due to the size of the original tumor Hazel would need to start Chemotherapy immediately and undergo radiation the lower right abdomen area first. After six weeks of initial treatment scans will be repeated to determine if the treatment is helping or if she’ll need radiation to her lungs and more aggressive chemotherapy. Baby Hazel just received her second treatment of chemo she will need at least 22+ weeks and she will start radiation the week after thanksgiving. And for every radiation treatment baby Hazel will need to be put to sleep.
Today life looks much different for the Colon family. Jade is no longer working, she spends her days taking care of baby Hazel and taking her to many doctor appointments and treatments. Josh has returned to work and the family is spending their free time teaching themselves and baby Hazel’s two big sisters all about cancer and how this will affect their lives. The Colon family are believers and followers of Jesus Christ and finding joy in the love they share with each other. Celebrating small success like when baby Hazel eats, laughs, dances and plays is one of the things they still have control of . They are asking for all the hope, strength, and prayers everyone can offer.
December 13th, 2021
Divinity Gives Back…Update!

Our Fund Raiser for Baby Hazel is in full swing! We are so grateful to each of you who have come in and donated Gift Cards – your generosity is truly amazing! ❤️
For those that haven’t had the chanceto donate yet, please bring a $25 (or more) Gift Card to Publix, Walmart, Winn Dixie, Target, Shell, Mobil, BP, Wawa or Visa / MasterCard and receive 5 units of Botox in your Divinity account! (That’s a $55 value) Remember it’s only 5 units per person regardless of how much you donate.
Baby Hazel had a rough week after her chemo & radiation…she hasn’t been eating or sleeping much and her hair is starting to fall out, but she is strong and has soooo many people praying for her! Please join us in wishing her well! 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
December 31st, 2021

As this month comes to an end, so does our Fund Raiser for Baby Hazel and her family. We are beyond proud to announce that our patients really stepped up for this baby girl, donating $6,530 in Gift Cards & cash! As promised, Holly & Daniel, owners of Divinity, are matching that amount for a total of $13,060 to the Colon Family!!!
We are sure these cards will help with gas for their trips to and from the hospital daily, food and the necessities they’ll need as they continue this journey to making Hazel well. We sincerely thank everyone who participated, and a special Thank You to those few business owners who gave ultra generous amounts 🙏
God Bless you all, and may God Bless Baby Hazel! ❤
“Don’t be afraid; just believe, AND SHE WILL BE HEALED.“
Luke 8:50