The story of Anya Ehrman

November 26th 2016
‘Tis the season for giving…at Divinity, we have been incredibly blessed this year & we owe it all to our VERY BEST patients!
Once again, we’d like to give back to both YOU & an incredible family this holiday.
Meet the Ehrman family! Two years ago, if you asked mom, Heather, she would have said life was pretty perfect. She, a Pasco County school teacher, her husband, and their 3 amazing kids had just moved into a new home – after overcoming many obstacles, she finally felt like they were “normal” and happy. Unfortunately, that feeling was short lived when just a few months later, their youngest daughter, Anya was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (A.L.L) on November 3, 2014 at St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital in Tampa. She began chemo immediately, with a grueling treatment plan that would last 2 ½ years.
The stress of Anya’s diagnosis proved to have dire consequences on the Ehrman family, and Heather found herself going from a 2 parent, 2 income household, to a 1 parent, NO income home within just a few months. Anya needed round the clock care, so working was out of the question for Heather – they lost everything – but through the Grace of God and help from others, this family has manage to stick together and fight this battle head on.
Two years later, Anya, often referred to by family and friends as the 5 year old Warrior Princess, is still fighting. Her treatments are tough, but she is tougher. She struggles with constant pain, nausea and fatigue. She needs to have a sterile environment because her immune system has been so compromised – some days it takes this poor baby all her effort to get out of bed and yet she is still filled with love and laughter. Heather said, “Although each day brings it’s own trials, and I am not always ‘happy’ with the way life is going ~ I have chosen to look at each one as a way that God can speak into my life and the lives of my kids. My kids, in turn, have taught me that no matter what is removed from our lives – that the only thing that truly matters is that we have God & one another… and we have held tighter to that truth more than ever before throughout this journey.”
This family’s struggle is far from over. They have to travel daily to Tampa for hospital visits and are in need of gas. They also need constant cleaning supplies, as well as food and clothing. Our desire is to help the Ehrman’s this Christmas – it’s especially important to Holly, as she and Heather are childhood friends, so Anya’s story is special to us at Divinity.
With that in mind, we’re asking for your help!
Starting now, through December 22nd, BRING IN A $25 GIFT CARD & we’ll give you 5 UNITS OF BOTOX FREE!
(That’s a $52.50 value, so we’re doubling your donation!) In addition, we will match the total amount of Gift Cards we collect as a gift to the family! So, if you are coming in for some BOTOX by our Master Injector, Holly, please make sure to Bring a Gift Card to one of the following places to get your 5 units FREE!
Walmart, Target, Publix, Sam’s Club & Gas Cards (WaWa & Speedway are by the Hospital, but any will do)
To learn more about Anya’s story, please LIKE her Facebook Page & join “Team Anya”
Thank you so much for your support this year! Love & Blessings to you ALL
December 27th 2016

Divinity Gives Back 2016 was a tremendous success! Thanks to the generosity of our incredible patients, in just short of a month, we collected $2100 in Gift Cards, which we matched with a check for another $2100, giving the Ehrman/Harvey Family a total of $4,200 for Christmas!!! That’s in addition to the bags of food, cleaning supplies, cards and baskets that were donated, as well as the hundreds of prayers that went out for this family! WOW!
Heather, Anya & the gang stopped by Divinity MedSpa yesterday to pick up their gifts and were moved to tears, as were we. I had never been so proud of the work that we do and the people we serve here…it was a moment I will never forget.
Anya wasn’t feeling well, so they couldn’t stay long, but we got to speak with Heather for a few moments. When we told Heather the total collected, she was speechless! “NO way!!!! This feels like a dream, except I never could have dreamt this up! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she exclaimed, eyes welling. We enjoyed chatting with Anya’s big brother & sister and then took a quick couple of pictures. It was as they were about to leave that Heather turned around and said these profound words…
“Ours is not a sad story, it’s a story of hope and faith…yes, trials and tribulations, but endurance and overcoming. We wouldn’t have survived the last two years without the generosity of others, and it’s so comforting to know that people are innately good on the inside!”
This whole experience with Heather’s family has touched each of us in a very unique way. Although Anya’s battle is heartbreaking, her courageousness is inspiring. Heather’s unending strength, pulling her family through years of turmoil while continuing to keep them laughing, teaching them that the world is a beautiful place, is the epitome of what ever mother aspires to be. But what touched us most of all was the way all of YOU embraced this family with us to make their lives just a little bit better…you guys ROCK!
September 2021

Five years later, we checked in on little Anya – she’s not so little anymore!!! This amazingly strong, beautiful girl had been in remission but recently underwent surgery to remove a bony tumor that appeared on her leg. From what we understand, all went well…we are so very happy for her!